Welcome to the Central Public Library of Sparta

The Central Public Library of Sparta was founded in 1972. It is a public entity and belongs to the group of public libraries, which are supervised by the Ministry of National Libraries Section and Education.


The organization and operation is governed by the provisions of Law 3149/2003 “National Library of Greece, Public libraries and other provisions” (Government Gazette 141 / A / 10.6.2003) of the Rules of Operation of Public Libraries (decision Ministry of Education / IZ / 83 064 / 2003) and the Rules of Operation of Sparta Library). Since 1981 he has competence, as Central Library, in a region that extends, not only , in Laconia but also in Messenia and Arcadia.


It is managed by a five Supervisory Council. The last reconstruction of S.C. done with the no. 18103 / IZ/ 08.03.2012 decision of the Ministry of National Education.

The  library, since 1989, housed in a private building in which the departments have grown to usable area 1500 sq. meters. On the ground floor there is a multipurpose hall of 230 seats, the use of which has been allocated at the Cultural Center of the Municipality of Sparta.